hyScore category & IAB
Overview hyScore categories, IAB categories and category mapping
The category mapping file (*.zip-file) for hyScore|analyze v3 contains the latest CSV-File. Included are hyScore categories, IAB categories and the current hyScore’s "category-to-IAB" mapping (IAB v2 category mapping, incl. deprecated IAB v1 category mapping).
Download (full mapping)
Full list of IAB categories, incl. related hyScore categories.
Last Update: July 2nd, 2019 (v5r2)
Download (changes only)
Last Update: July 2nd, 2019 (v5r2c)
Download (hyScore categories only) Full list of available hyScore categories.
Last Update: July 2nd, 2019 (v5r2c)
Entity type and type list
The entity type list contains all keyword/entity types being supported by hyScore. Is a keyword/entity in the result (type or type list) a person, a location, a place, etc.
Download (hyScore keyword entity list only) Full list of available hyScore keyword entity types.
Last Update: July 2nd, 2019 (v5r2c)
Special Category
Remark: These category responses appear only if the categorization process detected something unusual. Mainly appearing by analyzing Website/URL via hyScore|analyze Endpoint api.hyscore.io/v3/url.
Depending on the current crawler version it might be that historical results are named differently (in brackets).
"category": - Response |
adserver |
The page is for an adserver iframe or similar, categorization would be of no value.
26.03.18 |
contentaggregator |
Url is for a site with no content of is own, typically just a page of links
26.03.18 |
blocked |
hyScore does not crawl this site, no editorial classification has been assigned (rare). May also mean the specific url contains components that hyScore has blacklisted from crawling.
26.03.18 |
tagged |
hyScore does not crawl this site, but an editorial classification has been assigned (review)
26.03.18 |
uncrawlable |
Can not be analyzed, probably can not even be accessed, not possible to determine what the context of the site is at all (unusual)
26.03.18 |
badsite_norobots |
Can not be analyzed due to robots restrictions(rare)
26.03.18 |
baddata |
(bad Data) hyScore was unable to analyze this page, the url maybe invalid, or may be blacklisted by hyScore or the site could be unresponsive.
26.03.18 |
invalid |
(invalid) hyScore was unable to analyze this page, the url maybe invalid, or may be blacklisted by hyScore or the site could be unresponsive.
26.03.18 |
retry |
(retry) hyScore has queued this page for processing as it has not yet been analyzed by our categorization. You may be able to retry shortly. Any results returned for this page will be from domain level only.
26.03.18 |
redirect (redirected) |
(redirect) hyScore was unable to analyze this page because the site redirected our crawler elsewhere when we tried to visit it, possibly this site requires a login, or otherwise has restricted access.
12.10.18 |
noactions |
(noactions) hyScore was unable to analyze this page because the site has returned no usable content at all. Possibly the site is having issues or is refusing to serve real requests to our crawler.
26.03.18 |
norobots |
(norobots) hyScore was unable to analyze the page directly because the site does not allow the crawler access via a robots.txt directive.
26.03.18 |
offline |
(offline) hyScore was unable to analyze this page as the crawler is currently unable to contact the site, the site may be down, blocking the crawler, or have generated too many errors and been temporarily disabled from further crawling. You may be able to retry later.
26.03.18 |
badlanguage |
(badlanguage) hyScore has analyzed the page, however, the language is not or partly supported by your platform.
26.03.18 |
partial |
(partial) hyScore was unable to analyze this page because the site has returned little or no usable content at all. Possibly the site is having issues or is refusing to fully serve requests from our crawler.
26.03.18 |
no_channel |
(no_channel) hyScore categorization currently can't find unique categories for the analyzed content. Classification is repeated. |
26.04.18 |
gaveup |
(gaveup) hyScore was unable to analyze this page because the site is not responding to requests. Possibly the site is having issues or is refusing to serve requests from our crawler.
26.03.18 |
notauthor (notauthorised) |
(notauthor) hyScore was unable to analyze this page because the site required a login.
12.10.18 (26.03.18) |
notfound |
(notfound) hyScore was unable to analyze this page because the site returned a Not Found (404) error when our crawler tried to visit it.
26.03.18 |
nohost |
(nohost) hyScore is unable to analyze this page as the site does not seem to currently exist in the global DNS records, possibly this site is private to your network, or there has been a temporary issue with DNS lookups.
26.03.18 |
nourl |
Either no url was specified at all, or it could not be interpreted as a url at all.
26.03.18 |
nomatches |
hyScore has analysed this page, but it does not match any channels at all. Possibly the page contains very little content and it is not possible to determine a valid channel at all.
26.03.18 |
unmapped |
hyScore has analysed this page and determined information for it, however, the mapping does not include any category for this response (unknown category result).
26.03.18 |
notdownloaded |
hyScore was unable to download and process this page for analysis. This may be an intermittent issue or may indicate there is something on this page that hyScore currently cannot handle.
26.03.18 |
download |
hyScore can not process this url/page for analysis. It was classified as a downloadable file or application. |
26.03.18 |
search |
hyScore identified the url/page as a search or search result page with short text excerpts so that the results may vary and a clear categorisation is questionable. |
26.03.18 |
webmail |
The hyScore crawler identified a webmail client url/page. These kinds of URLs will not be processed because of data privacy reasons. Please get in touch with our support if you're looking for use cases where data privacy-related topics are important. |
26.03.18 |
"iab": - Response |
Exactly what it means... Example: "iab": [ |
17.12.18 |
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